People Who See

We fund and mentor visionary Armenian start-ups through connections with top professionals worldwide.

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IT, AI/ML, Finance, Law,
Chemistry, Biology,



Members: 122
Involved: 31
Countries: 15



Funded: 12
Reviewed: 95
In pipeline: 6



Surgeries: 5
PM Internship: 10
AI Internship: 11, Artsakh: 33

Who We Are

SASTIC is a global network of top professionals dedicated to supporting STEM entrepreneurs in Armenia through funding and resources. Join us and be a part of something special – a movement to help aspiring business leaders turn their ideas into successful companies and contribute to the economic development of Armenia.

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Our Members

Armen Grigorian
Merchant Banker
Armen Tadevosyan
Principal IC Engineer
Anna Galstyan
Managing Director
Shirak, AM
Tigran Zohrabyan
Mask Layout Design Manager

Today, a diverse group of experts, including software engineers, physicists, hardware engineers, data scientists, biotech scientists, material scientists, finance and investment experts, have come together to form SASTIC, a powerful network dedicated to supporting and funding the early-stage companies that will shape the future of our homeland.

We are already 122


SASTIC is committed to investing in early-stage start-ups and STEM-oriented ideas with the potential for financial success. We may also consider investing in projects that demonstrate high educational and scientific merit on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, we prioritize opportunities that support, involve, or employ Armenian war veterans.

Here are the areas of our interest:

  • Early-stage start-ups with STEM orientation.
  • Existing educational laboratories/workshops with STEM orientation.
  • Applied science projects with the potential to impact technological development in Armenia.


We have developed a transparent and efficient operational model where, with the help of our participating members, we evaluate promising ideas and companies to provide SASTIC support. Every SASTIC member is welcome & encouraged to participate in every aspect of SASTIC’s operational activities - project evaluation, funding, and decision-making.




Latest News

We are excited to announce that SASTIC has launched an internship program focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning for war veterans. During the program, students will work under the supervision of international and local experts in the field, gaining knowledge and experience that will be valuable in the job market and for generating new ideas and change.

SASTIC Launches AI and Machine Learning Internship Program for War Veterans

Read More


SASTIC is a professional community that is dedicated to advancing Armenian causes and making a positive impact in the tech sector of Armenia. Our mission is to bring together thousands of highly skilled Armenians who are willing to financially invest in science, high technology, and infrastructures, as well as the education of Armenian youth. By uniting our efforts and working together, we hope to make a significant difference and drive meaningful change.

To achieve this mission, we work to create research infrastructures, assist in education and scientific research, and form modern companies and unions to execute long-term strategic programs. We believe that with dedicated and targeted investments and professional support, Armenian talent can flourish and lead the way in innovation and advanced technologies. By forming profitable companies and producing products that can strategically improve the country's security and wellbeing, we can make a big impact on the future of Armenia.

If you are a highly skilled Armenian who shares this vision and is willing to join a reliable group to invest in these causes, we welcome you to be a part of our organization and contribute to our mission. As a member, you will have access to a range of resources and opportunities to learn about and explore investment opportunities in Armenia, as well as the chance to connect with others who share your passions and goals.

While there may not be direct benefits to individual members, joining SASTIC can contribute to the overall success and impact of the organization's mission. As a member, you will be part of a community of professionals working together to advance Armenian causes and make a positive impact in the STEAM sector of Armenia. By supporting SASTIC and contributing to its efforts, you can help to drive meaningful change and make a difference in Armenia's future.

While there may not be specific perks or benefits associated with membership, the collective impact of our efforts on SASTIC's mission can be significant. We encourage you to learn more about the mission and work of SASTIC by visiting our website and exploring the resources and opportunities available to members. We believe that membership in SASTIC can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for anyone who is passionate about Armenian causes and investing in Armenia.

  1. To join SASTIC, visit or click the "Sign-up" button on
  2. You will be asked to choose your financial contribution plan during the registration process. You can make a monthly or annual financial contribution. 
  3. After completing the registration process, you will be required to fill out some information on your profile in order to determine your level of involvement with SASTIC. 
  4. After, you will receive an email confirmation as well as an invitation to the SASTIC Slack space. 
  5. Join Slack and post in the #general channel to ask questions.

As a member of our professional community, you are now part of a dynamic and supportive network of professionals.

  1. Become a "Supporting" member: the simplest way to contribute is by becoming a "Supporting" member and paying membership fees.
  2. Become an "Active" member: members can also choose to become "Active" members and participate in SASTIC activities, such as serving as a mentor or volunteering on a committee and participating in votes.
  3. Share your expertise: Members can also contribute to SASTIC by sharing their expertise and knowledge with others.
  4. Select your preferences for additional contribution: During the registration process or in your membership profile, you can select your preferences for additional contributions.

As an Active member of SASTIC, you will have the opportunity to play a more significant role in the organization and be directly involved in decision-making processes. Active members are eligible to vote in General Meetings, which allows you to shape the direction and priorities of SASTIC. In addition, Active members may also have the opportunity to influence the work of committees and contribute to the organization in more specific areas of interest.

By becoming an Active member, you will have the chance to make your voice heard and contribute to the direction of the organization. This is a great opportunity for those who are passionate about SASTIC and want to take an active role in shaping its future.

If you are interested in becoming an Active member, you can select this membership type during the registration process or update your membership profile afterwards. An interview may be scheduled to confirm your status as an Active member. We encourage all members to consider becoming Active members, as it is a great way to fully engage with and contribute to the SASTIC community, and to grow professionally.

Yes, it is possible to become a member of SASTIC without taking on responsibilities in the organization's operations. Supporting members do not have the same level of involvement as Active members, and are not required to take on leadership roles or participate in decision-making processes.

However, if you are interested in contributing to SASTIC in other ways, there are still many opportunities to get involved. For example, you could serve as a mentor or contribute your expertise to one of the organization's committees. We encourage all members to consider how they can contribute to the SASTIC community and make a positive impact, regardless of their level of involvement.

In summary, as a member of SASTIC, you have the flexibility to choose your level of involvement and the ways in which you would like to contribute. We welcome all members and appreciate the unique skills and perspectives they bring to the organization.

  1. Become a member: By joining SASTIC as a member, individuals and businesses can invest in Armenian causes and contribute to the organization's efforts to advance the tech sector of Armenia. Members have the opportunity to participate in events, access resources, and engage with other like-minded individuals.
  2. Volunteer: SASTIC always welcomes volunteers who are willing to contribute their time and expertise to support the organization's mission. There are many ways to get involved, such as by becoming a mentor, helping out with committees, or assisting with events and other activities.
  3. Share: Sharing information about SASTIC and its mission with others can also help to raise awareness and support for the organization. By sharing content and information about SASTIC on social media or through other channels, individuals and businesses can help to spread the word and encourage others to get involved.

  1. Membership fees: SASTIC relies on membership fees to support its operations and fund its initiatives. By becoming a member, individuals and businesses can contribute financially to the organization and support its mission.

  2. Grants: SASTIC may also seek grants from foundations, government agencies, and other sources to fund specific projects or initiatives.

  3. Donations: SASTIC accepts donations from individuals and businesses who wish to support the organization's mission and efforts. Donations can be made through the organization's website or by contacting SASTIC directly.

  4. Sponsorships: SASTIC may also seek sponsorships from businesses and organizations to support specific events or initiatives. Sponsorships may come in the form of financial support or in-kind contributions such as products or services.

  5. Investments: SASTIC also directly invests in businesses that align with its mission and goals. These investments provide a source of funding for the organization and help to advance its efforts to make a positive impact in the tech sector of Armenia.

  1. Membership growth: SASTIC tracks the growth of its membership over time as a measure of its success. An increasing number of members indicates that the organization is meeting the needs of its community and attracting support for its mission.

  2. Funding: SASTIC also tracks its funding sources and levels over time to gauge its success. An increase in funding can indicate that the organization is meeting its goals and making a positive impact, while a decrease may indicate a need to reassess strategies or priorities.

  3. Impact: SASTIC also measures its success by tracking the impact it has on the tech sector of Armenia. This includes tracking the number of businesses that are formed or supported by the organization, as well as the number of individuals who benefit from its resources and support.

  4. Feedback: SASTIC also values feedback from its members and other stakeholders as a measure of its success. By soliciting feedback and using it to make improvements and refine its strategies, SASTIC can ensure that it is meeting the needs of its community and making a positive impact.

SASTIC works with a variety of other organizations and stakeholders to advance its mission and achieve its goals. Some ways that SASTIC collaborates with other organizations and stakeholders include:

  • Partnerships: SASTIC may form partnerships with other organizations that share similar goals and values. These partnerships may involve jointly hosting events, sharing resources, or collaborating on projects.
  • Networking: SASTIC also engages in networking with other organizations and stakeholders to learn from their experiences and explore opportunities for collaboration. This may involve participating in industry events, joining professional associations, or forming relationships with other organizations through informal channels.
  • Consultation: SASTIC may also consult with other organizations and stakeholders to gather insights and ideas, or to seek guidance and support for its initiatives. This may involve seeking input from experts in relevant fields, or engaging in dialogue with other organizations to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Overall, SASTIC values collaboration and works with a variety of other organizations and stakeholders to advance its mission and make a positive impact in the STEM sector of Armenia.

Got a new card or just need to update your payment details for your SASTIC membership? No worries, it's easy! Here's how:

  • Log In: First up, head over to SASTIC Login and sign into your account.
  • Find Subscriptions: Once you're in, click on the “Subscriptions” tab, or simply follow this link: Manage Subscriptions and sign into your account.
  • Update Payment: See an "Update" link next to your plan? Click that to update your plan payment details.
  • Change Plan: If you're looking to switch up your plan, hit the "Change Plan" option to select a new payment plan.

If Your Membership Has Expired, no problem! Renewing is just as simple.

  • Log In: First up, head over to SASTIC Login and sign into your account.
  • Visit Join SASTIC to check out the available plans.
  • Choose Your Plan: Pick the plan that fits you best.
  • Sign Up: Fill in your information and click the “Sign Up” button to get back on board.

And that's it! If you hit any snags or have questions, we're here to help. Just reach out, and we'll get you sorted in no time.

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