Innovative Community

29 October 2021

Innovative Community

EduArmenia has selected the communities of Artsvaberd Village, Haghartsin, Nerqin Karmir Aghbyur, Teghut, Achajur, and Gandzaqar in Armenia’s Tavush region for programming classes. Classes will be held on weekends with ten students from each region, ranging in age from fourteen to sixteen years old for two to four hours total per week.

Full-stack web development and native mobile development will be taught by volunteer lecturers located in London using industry-standard tools and techniques. No-Code web tools and technologies will be taught by a lecturer from our partner with EduArmenia’s team managing pupil organization and in-place processes for all classes. The faculty for each class will consist of one supervisor and four associates made up of seventeen to eighteen-year-old students from the previous program. 

The end result, in addition to the educational advancements, will be a web portal created on the Softr platform with all six communities represented. Each community will have its own description, tourist landmarks and historical information. The goal is for the portal to be the foundation for a future Armenian tourist portal with each community having a separate page made by children themselves.

For more information about EduArmenia please visit:

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More details:

  • EduArmenia have selected few communities in Tavush region, each will have a group of 10 pupils (14-16 y.o.) for programming classes:
    •   Արծվաբերդ գյուղ (Artsvaberd) 
    •   Հաղարծինի միջն. դպրոց (Haghartsin)
    •   Ներքին Կարմիր աղբյուր (Nerqin Karmir aghbryur)
    •   Թեղուտի միջն. դպրոց (Teghut)
    •   Աչաջուրի միջնակարգ դպրոց (Achajur)
    •   Գանձաքարի միջն դպրոց (Gandzaqar)
  • Classes will be help on weekends, as an additional education, 2-4 hours in total per week
  • Program consists of following classes (provided by volunteers):
    • Web programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, front-end, back-end, databases, etc).  A lecturer from London.
    • Mobile programming (Flutter). A lecturer from London.
    • No-code web tools and technologies. Lecturer from our partner company (Armenia)
  • EduArmenia’s team will manage pupils’ organization and in-place processes. It consists of one supervisor and four associates (17-18 y.o students from previous program)
  • As a result, in addition to 60 pupils’ educational advancements, there will be a web portal created on the Softr platform with all 6 communities’ presentation, description, site seeing places and history remarks. Portal can be a foundation for future Armenian tourist portals with all communities having a separate page with their descriptions, made by children themselves.
  • They also need 3 notebooks for the team. Whoever can donate a new/old notebook, please let us know.

Program starts November and we are excited to help children from remote locations to become modern high level web creators.


If we don’t get enough contribution to support and start the project, or the project is canceled/terminated  the collected donations will stay with SASTIC’s main account to support other projects.


During the whole process, we will have progress updates, in-place images and you can also connect to lectures remotely via Zoom to watch or participate and see how it goes. We hope this “pilot” will become a foundation of running this program in many other communities and even enhancing lecture types. Thanks for participation.


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